Mehedi Hasan

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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We care about your rights! This means a lot of our work is with organisations who offer services to children and young people. 

We aim to help you make these services better, for your benefit and for the future. We run groups that link to services or topics you care about. 

To see upcoming meetings and events click here and if you want to come along or learn more about any of our groups get in touch.

Health Group

eXtreme Group

Durham Children in Care Council (CiCC)

We are a reference group which supports health and care commissioners in County Durham to improve their services for children and young people. This includes mental health and emotional wellbeing services, improving websites and digital communication, and reviewing other health services

We are a group of young people in County Durham with SEND. We meet to share ideas and help to make SEND services better for young people. eXtreme members attend events on behalf of Investing in Children, organise events and work with Durham County Council and the NHS! We enjoy having our voice heard, being respected, meeting new people and building our confidence.

We are a group of children and young people who are looked after in County Durham. We meet every month to talk about life in care and raise any issues we have and the improvements we want to make to Durham County Council. CiCC is also an opportunity for children and young people to come together and say what works and share positive stories of the support we have received. Click here to visit the CiCC website

Decisions Group

Type 1 Kidz (T1Kz)

The Decisions Group is made up of children and young people aged 11-18 who come together to discuss and share ideas to make IiC even better! We meet every month and are about to launch ‘rights based roadshows’ as we feel children and young people should know more about their rights and how to use them.

Since 2001 we have worked with children and young people living with Type 1 Diabetes and their families throughout the North East and North Cumbria. We have various monthly group sessions throughout the region, go on day trips, hold cookery workshops, go on an annual residential and more! All of our activities aim to help children and young people to be more confident, feel more positive about the future and improve their health outcomes.


Every year we look for funding to work on or research ideas from children and young people, these projects are open to anyone who is interested. 

For more information, get in touch about these here.

Your Autism

Art Cafe

Seen & Heard Group

This project came from a young person wanting a resource for young people diagnosed with autism, created by young people with autism. This was after seeing lots of information for parents, but not a lot for young people. We received NHS funding to do this. Our aim is to have information specifically for children and young people, so they are able to learn to support and understand themselves, and to help demystify autism – it’s not all negative! The group met fortnightly to develop the website, and is currently under construction

We are a group of children and young people who come together to express and be ourselves. Our group is away to get creative, in-tune with your mind, feel better in yourself and also make friends. We work on a range of tasks to communicate different messages and projects through the use of art.

The art children and young people have produced has been showcased as part of the ART STOP bus stop project, click here to learn more.

Seen and Heard is a young person led local heritage project, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Young people created the Seen and Heard project with the aim of shining a spotlight on children and young people in the North East’s history, uncovering untold stories and sharing these creatively with the public -doing history on their own terms. The group conducts its own research, including oral history interviews, and works with local sites including Locomotion, The Story and Beamish museum.