Mehedi Hasan

Hi, My name is Mehedi Hasan Nahid, I am a web developer.

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Young Directors

We have 3 Young Directors, Billie-Leigh, Ethan & Lally.

As a member of the IiC board of Directors, the Young Directors help to make the decisions which affect every member of IiC. They are the glue that binds the board to the rest of the IiC organisation and brings the two entities together.

Young Directors also support the Decisions Group within the organisation (The group that shapes and steers IiC) and makes sure that young people’s ideas from this group feed into the board, so the whole organisation is the best it can be.

I began my work in IiC very early at the age of 9 so I have a great deal of experience with how the company operates. I have agreed to most everything that the company has asked of me and will continue to do so to an even greater capacity if I am afforded the opportunity to be a young director. I am a passionate advocate for rights of all kinds including those of the working class but I'm especially concerned with the rights of autistic young people. For too long I have witnessed the hardships of the youth in County Durham and seen dozens of brilliant activists come to their aid. For too long I have witnessed organizations grow complacent with the positions of power they've occupied for so long at the expense of young people. I will ensure that young people within and outside of IiC are not treated as second-class citizens but as equals to their senior counterparts.
Young Director
I express my views honestly. I care a lot about what young people have to say. I have good relationships with young people and would love to help them express their concerns and be able to let them know their voices will be heard. I’m currently an apprentice carer for people with disabilities. I have my DBS and safeguarding training alongside many other that may be useful towards this role. I empathise with young people and can understand what they’re going through. I have young people who come to me with concerns. I have good relationships with the staff in IIC. I’m currently a carer for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour and want to change things and get more people to know about rights and IIC. Also, young people with disabilities should be heard more and I want to help them.
Young Director
Hi I’m Adam, I’ve been involved with Investing in Children (IiC) for nearly a year, it has improved my self-esteem and confidence after 14 traumatic years of being a victim of bullying, I have taken part in Decisions group meetings, Waddington street YASC group, and became a young director last year (2019). Waddington Street YASC has inspired me to start my own anti-bullying campaign called Together Against Bullying which promotes the ability for young people to talk to other young people about their experiences as a victim of bullying and aims to emphasise the links between long term bullying and mental health problems. From my own experience I understand how difficult it is to talk to an adult about bullying. And many anti bullying campaigns and organisations do not have a young people’s group. I know this because I have been involved with two other anti-bullying organisations: North East Bikers Against Bullies and Anti-Bullying Support.
Former Young Director